Spawnbox Component
This component spawns prefabs inside a box.
The prefabs are spawned over a fixed duration. The number of prefabs to spawn over the time duration is randomly chosen between a minimum and maximum value. Each prefab may get rotated around the Z axis and tilted away from the Z axis. If desired, the component can start spawning automatically, or it can be (re-)started from code. If spawn continuously is enabled, the component restarts itself after the spawn duration is over, thus for every spawn duration the number of prefabs to spawn gets reevaluated.
Component Properties
: The dimensions of the box in which the prefabs are spawned.Prefab:
The prefab that will be spawned by this component.SpawnAtStart:
If true, the component will spawn the prefab immediately when it gets activated.SpawnContinuously:
If true, the component will restart itself after a round. How many prefabs to spawn is reevaluated for each round.MinSpawnCount
: How many prefabs to spawn during one round.Duration
: The lenght of one spawn round. The randomly chosen amount of prefabs to spawn is distributed over this time.MaxRotationZ
: How much the spawned objects may be rotated away from the forward axis, around the Z (up) axis.MaxTiltZ
: How much to tilt objects away from the Z axis.