Editor Camera
This article describes how to use the editor camera.
Camera Controls
In the following LMB
refers to the left mouse button, RMB
to the right mouse button and MMB
to the middle mouse button.
Perspective Views
: Move in the ground planeCTRL + MMB
: Move forwards/backwards and sidewaysWheel
: Move forwards/backwardsRMB
: Activate fly camera and look aroundWASD
: Fly aroundQ
: Fly straight up or downSHIFT
: Move faster
: PanCTRL + Wheel
: Change the camera's movement speed. This can also be changed using the Camera Speed slider in the toolbar.C
: Move the camera to the pointed at positionF
: Frame the currently selected objects- Pressing
once will only pan the camera towards the selected objects - Pressing
a second time will additionally zoom in on them
- Pressing
: Same asF
but frames the object in all views simultaneously- This can also be triggered by double-clicking an item in the Scenegraph
: Orbit around the last framed objectALT + RMB
: Dolly (same as move forwards/backwards just with inverted mouse)ALT + MMB
: Pan (inverted)Context menu > Align Camera with Object: Orients the camera with the selected object
Orthographic Views
: Pan the selected viewWheel
: ZoomF
andSHIFT + F
: Frame object, same as in perspective view
Show/Hide Objects
To temporarily focus on certain objects, it is possible to make objects invisible.
: Hide the selected objectsCTRL + H
: Show all hidden objectsSHIFT + H
: Hide all objects that are not selected
Note that 'hide unselected' may hide lighting nodes, which can turn your level very dark. You can either activate ambient lighting in your scene, or switch the render mode to 'Diffuse Color', if necessary.
The hidden state of objects is not saved in the scene. Also Play-the-Game mode and ezPlayer always show all objects. Similarly, the hidden state only excludes objects from rendering, not from simulation.
Favorite Cameras
You can store up to ten favorite editor camera positions using CTRL + 0-9
. You can then jump back to that position by pressing the respective number key.
These camera positions are saved per user, per scene. If you open the editor on the same computer at a later time, the camera positions are available again. They are not saved with the project, though, so you cannot share these positions with others. Use level cameras for that.
The favorite camera actions can also be found in the menu Scene > Favorite Cameras > ...
Level Cameras
If you have a camera component in your scene, you can assign it a shortcut number in its properties. You can then jump to that location using ALT + 0-9
. If multiple camera components use the same number, it is undefined to which one the editor camera will move. Moving the editor camera to a camera component does not change the selected object.
You can also create a camera component in the scene at the current editor camera location and assign it a shortcut, by pressing CTRL + ALT + 0-9
Since level cameras are simply objects in the scene, they will be saved in the scene and therefore are shared with others. This can be used both for game play relevant cameras, as well as to just save some useful locations. Camera components that are not actively used for rendering, have no performance impact.
The level camera actions can also be found in the menu Scene > Favorite Cameras > ...
Field of View
The editor camera uses a fixed field of view (FOV). The FOV can be changed in the preferences.