PacMan Sample
This sample is a basic implementation of the classic PacMan game. It demonstrates various aspects of the engine, for example how to add custom code through the C++ project generation.
How to Run the Game
To run this sample, you have to first compile the code for it. Select to Project > C++ Project > Compile Plugin. Make sure the compilation step succeeded. If it fails, select Project > C++ Project > Setup C++ Plugin... and make sure the solution can be generated successfully, then open the solution and make sure it compiles correctly.
Afterwards run the scene. For the best experience, use the Export and Run mode (Ctrl+R).
Video: Game Tutorial - PacMan
This tutorial video shows how to build a PacMan game from scratch. It walks you through the project setup and the fundamental steps to get the game logic working. To get a deeper insight into how to make a more fully functional game, have a look at the code of the sample project.
The editor project belonging to this sample can be found under Data/Samples/PacMan.
It contains a few assets taken from Quaternius and
The code uses a custom C++ plugin, generated using the C++ project generation. It provides custom components, and also utilizes a custom game state for the higher level logic.
It is advised to watch the tutorial video first, to get a grasp of the basics, and then study the code for details that aren't covered in the video. For example the project also shows:
- how to play sounds
- how to use a blackboard for tracking state
- how to reset a scene (by loading it from scratch)
- how to draw some (debug) text to the screen